Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple & Future Perfect Continuous

Wróć do: 3. Formy wyrażania przyszłości / Future Forms

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wybierając poprawną odpowiedź.
Fill in the sentences below choosing the correct answer.

1. She .................... to school next week as she has gone down with flu.

2. .................... this job in half an hour?

3. The Browns .................... stray cats for over ten years by the end of next January.

4. My neighbour .................... six cats by ten a.m.

5. Don't come round in the morning. I .................... pigs then.

6. By the end of the academic year the student .................... 150 lectures.

7. If the government continues to increase spendings at this rate, we .................... out of money by the end of next year.

8. By the end of the day the patient .................... three injections.

9. Andrew .................... the lecture as he has had to go away to visit his mother in the country.

10. How long .................... by the time he reaches the seashore?