Time Clauses 03

Wróć do: 5. Zdania czasowe / Time Clauses

Wybierz poprawne formy w zdaniach czasowych poniżej.
Choose the correct forms in the Time Clauses below.

1. When I .................... him, I .................... him to the party.

2. As soon as the shop ...................., we .................... the groceries.

3. We .................... the room after the floor .................... dry.

4. He .................... reading books as soon as he .................... .

5. When you .................... the room, it .................... beautiful.

6. The dog .................... when it .................... a stranger.

7. As soon as the owner .................... a sausage to the dog, it .................... wagging its tail.

8. The cat .................... a mouse the moment it .................... one.

9. Once we ...................., we .................... home.

10. The moment the plane .................... down, the passengers .................... off.