Passive Voice - Past Simple 02

Wróć do: 6. Strona bierna / Passive Voice

Wybierając właściwe odpowiedzi utwórz poprawne zdania w stronie biernej.
Choosing suitable answers make correct sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. Those photos .................... in his office yesterday.

2. The street .................... by the men two hours ago.

3. How .................... by your team?

4. Why .................... ?

5. The groceries .................... to her house three hours ago.

6. Coffee .................... round during our last meeting.

7. His tooth .................... out by the dentist yesterday.

8. His house .................... into last night.

9. A serious mistake .................... by his workers yesterday.

10. His hands .................... with a piece of string.