Liczba mnoga rzeczowników 03

Wróć do: 1. Zagadnienia podstawowe / Basics

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wybierając poprawną odpowiedź.
Fill in the sentences below choosing the correct answer.

1. There are two .................... and seven .................... on the desk.

2. We have nine .................... and seven birthday .................... .

3. We saw two .................... and five .................... .

4. We need six .................... and three .................... .

5. On the hilltop there are two .................... and three .................... .

6. She has two .................... and three .................... .

7. These two .................... are black. Those three .................... are old.

8. There are five .................... on the .................... .

9. His two .................... are rotten and his .................... are cold.

10. These .................... are green and those .................... are grey.