Liczba mnoga rzeczowników 05

Wróć do: 1. Zagadnienia podstawowe / Basics

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wybierając poprawną odpowiedź.
Fill in the sentences below choosing the correct answer.

1. Which of the two .................... seems more convincing for the .................... you work with?

2. We took three .................... and two Coca Cola .................... .

3. I would like a pair of .................... and a pair of black .................... .

4. I need two .................... and three red .................... .

5. Can you lend me two light .................... and two ...................., please?

6. He sold two car .................... and eight .................... yesterday.

7. There are two .................... and four .................... in the room.

8. We are buying nine .................... and five .................... in the shop.

9. I want two .................... and two linen .................... for my children.

10. So far we have had two major economic .................... since 2016.