Przymiotniki dzierżawcze & zaimki dzierżawcze 02

Wróć do: 1. Zagadnienia podstawowe / Basics

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wpisując poprawną odpowiedź.
Fill in the sentences below with the correct answer.

1. This is Tom's book. The book is .................... .

2. That is Martha's house. This house is .................... .

3. These are Amanda's glasses. These are .................... glasses.

4. I have three dictionaries. These dictionaries are .................... .

5. I own that flat. That is .................... flat.

6. My parents have silver coins. These coins are .................... .

7. You have a nice watch. This is .................... watch.

8. You have a leather sofa. This sofa is .................... .

9. His friends have a big orchard. This is .................... orchard.

10. His uncle has a rifle. This is .................... rifle.