Zaimki osobowe, przymiotniki dzierżawcze & zaimki dzierżawcze 03

Wróć do: 1. Zagadnienia podstawowe / Basics

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wpisując poprawną odpowiedź.
Fill in the sentences below with the correct answer.

1. We invite them but they do not invite .................... .

2. I often help him but he does not help .................... .

3. They know us but we do not know .................... .

4. This is their basket. The basket is .................... .

5. These are Tom's documents. These are .................... documents.

6. I am waiting for Robert. I am waiting for .................... .

7. I am talking to Julia. I am talking to .................... .

8. She helps her parents. She helps .................... every day.

9. We like them but they do not like .................... .

10. This is our grain. The grain is .................... .