Zaimki osobowe - dopełnienie 01

Wróć do: 1. Zagadnienia podstawowe / Basics

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wybierając poprawną odpowiedź.
Fill in the sentences below choosing the correct answer.

1. "Hello Tom. I want to ask .................... a few questions." - "Yes, what would you like to know?"

2. This is Julia. I like .................... .

3. This is Thomas. I don't know much about .................... .

4. These are Ben and Alice. I like .................... .

5. Hello, Mark and Peter. How can I help .................... ?

6. I like you, Peter. Do you like .................... ?

7. This is a newspaper. Do you want .................... ?

8. These are newspapers. Do you want .................... ?

9. The view is nice. I like .................... .

10. This is Peter's daughter. We like .................... .