Word formation 03

Wróć do: 3. Słowotwórstwo / Word Formation

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania tworząc poprawne słowa od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.  
Fill in the sentences below with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.

1. Even though he has lots of money, he tends to be .................... (thrift).

2. Some of his friends are extremely .................... (quarrel). They argue about unimportant things.

3. Your comments are .................... (relevance) so please, keep to the point.

4. How long did the .................... (try) last before he was acquitted?

5. It was wrong of you to criticise her. You owe her an .................... (apologise).

6. He does crossword puzzles from time to time, out of .................... (bored).

7. People living in this village are .................... (tolerant) and prejudiced against strangers.

8. There was little time so they had to make a .................... (haste) decision.

9. Does she like reading .................... (history) novels?

10. He thought it was a .................... (harm) joke that would not offend anybody.