Word formation 15

Wróć do: 3. Słowotwórstwo / Word Formation

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania tworząc poprawne słowa od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.  
Fill in the sentences below with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.

1. Do you often go to the beach on a .................... (sun) day like today?

2. She tried to smile but was not able to conceal her .................... (sad).

3. The dish was so .................... (salt) that I drank another glass of water.

4. Going to the cinema is her favourite form of .................... (entertain).

5. If you ask her .................... (polite), she will help you find the right book.

6. This device is .................... (primary) used for boring holes in walls and ceilings.

7. It was .................... (polite) of Joan to ask such intimate questions. She should not have done it.

8. There are still a lot of people in the world who cannot read or write so .................... (literate) is still quite widespread.

9. They offered us the conditions which were .................... (accept) so in the end we did not sign the contract.

10. The student behaved .................... (responsible) running across the street without looking first and was told off by the teacher.