Word formation 06

Wróć do: 3. Słowotwórstwo / Word Formation

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania tworząc poprawne słowa od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.  
Fill in the sentences below with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.

1. The company is going to launch a new .................... (advertise) campaign next month.

2. Socialist governments tend to .................... (regular) the market instead of giving people more economic freedom.

3. We require active .................... (participate) in the classes as well as writing three essays in one semester.

4. His .................... (explain) was complicated as if he was trying to hide some important facts. In my opinion he was beating about the bush.

5. John is a .................... (wealth) businessman so he does not need to worry how much money his wife spends.

6. The people took to the streets to express their anger at the .................... (rule) party.

7. Thank you very much for a very .................... (produce) meeting.

8. Have you read the .................... (attach) I sent you in my previous email?

9. When a new bypass was opened, the traffic in the city centre changed beyond .................... (recognise).

10. These gadgets are becoming .................... (increase) popular among young people.