Word formation 26

Wróć do: 3. Słowotwórstwo / Word Formation

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania tworząc poprawne słowa od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.  
Fill in the sentences below with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.

1. You had better wear a cap and gloves on a .................... (frost) day like today.

2. How long did it take you to recover from the knee .................... (injure)?

3. The noise was .................... (bear). It was so loud that we left the hall.

4. To the students' .................... (amuse) the teacher slipped and fell over in the corridor.

5. Jane, who is afraid of travelling by plane, says that flying is .................... (nature) for human beings.

6. Tom, who is .................... (passion) about science, has always liked carrying out experiments.

7. That house had no gas nor electricity so how did you manage to put up with the .................... (dread) living conditions?

8. The book was .................... (origin) published by Cambridge University Press.

9. For some .................... (know) reasons the secretary did not send those letters.

10. Mary .................... (accident) knocked off the vase which as a result was smashed to pieces.