Word formation 21

Wróć do: 3. Słowotwórstwo / Word Formation

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania tworząc poprawne słowa od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.  
Fill in the sentences below with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.

1. The company requires a degree of .................... (flexible) from their employees.

2. The student was .................... (satisfy) with his poor exam results.

3. Despite her old age, my aunt made a quick and .................... (astonish) recovery.

4. Is it true that his uncle is an .................... (influence) politician?

5. John's .................... (involve) in the project was really insignificant. It was his brother who was the project manager.

6. He is said to be a .................... (vision) author who writes what the future will look like in fifty years.

7. To our .................... (astonish) he ate three bars of chocolate within five minutes.

8. I am sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. Thank you for your .................... (patient).

9. The changes to the recipe seem .................... (perceive). Personally speaking, I cannot tell the difference between the old and the new one.

10. Tom couldn't hide his anger and .................... (patient). He had been waiting for his girlfriend for forty minutes.