Conditional Sentences "Type 1" 01

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe "typu pierwszego". 
Choose the correct answer making Conditional Sentences "Type 1".

1. If Henry .................... to the party, I .................... to him.

2. If the weather .................... good, we .................... go for a walk.

3. You .................... how to use the device if you .................... the manual.

4. If they .................... us, we .................... to the party.

5. If she .................... him the truth, he .................... her the money.

6. If petrol prices ...................., we .................... our car.

7. They .................... us the invitation if we .................... them our address.

8. His house .................... better if he .................... it.

9. You .................... the problem if you .................... this article.

10. Simon .................... a new phone if his old phone .................... down.