Conditional Sentences "Type 2" 01

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe "typu drugiego". 
Choose the correct answer making Conditional Sentences "Type 2".

1. If he .................... harder, he .................... better marks.

2. We .................... more if we .................... longer hours.

3. If John .................... more time, he .................... us more often.

4. I .................... that car if it .................... so expensive.

5. The Smiths .................... on holiday more often if they .................... richer.

6. Alice .................... weight if she .................... going to the gym.

7. If the dog .................... so loudly, I .................... up in the middle of the night.

8. If you .................... to the gym, you .................... fitter.

9. Stephen .................... longer if he .................... to get up early.

10. If I .................... you, I .................... him about it.