Conditional Sentences "Type 3" 02

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wpisz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe "typu trzeciego". 
Fill in the correct answer making Conditional Sentences "Type 3".

1. If they .................... (take) a map, they would not have got lost.

2. Mark .................... (visit) us yesterday if his car had not broken down.

3. Emily .................... (clean) the house if she had had more time.

4. If David .................... (buy) that car, he would have regretted it.

5. My children .................... (eat) dinner if they had been hungry.

6. If Mike .................... (be) careful with the money, he would not have got into debt.

7. If my dog .................... (bite) a stranger, I would have had to go to the police.

8. The burglars would not have broken in, if you .................... (install) an alarm.

9. The boys .................... (play) football if the weather had been fine.

10. What would you have done if you .................... (won) the lotter then?