Conditional Sentences 03

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe. 
Choose the correct answer making Conditional Sentences.

1. If you .................... your passport, you would have gone on that trip with us last year.

2. What would you do if you .................... me?

3. She .................... delighted if she reads this book.

4. We .................... you these files if we had had your email address.

5. .................... abroad if you were unable to find a job in Poland?

6. If you heat ice, it .................... .

7. If he hadn't smoked so much, he .................... ill now.

8. They would be rich now, if they .................... the company shares last week.

9. .................... us if you have more free time next month?

10. .................... her if they had more free time next month?