Conditional Sentences "Mixed Types" 02

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wpisz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe "typu mieszanego". 
Fill in the correct answer making Mixed Conditional Sentences.

1. If you .................... (pick) these numbers yesterday, you would be a rich man today.

2. If I were you, I .................... (resign) a long time ago.

3. If she hadn't accepted their offer, she .................... (have) more time now.

4. How .................... (you / feel) now if you had hurt that girl last night?

5. If he .................... (earn) a decent salary every month, he would have gone on that trip two weeks ago.

6. You don't watch TV. If you .................... (watch) it, you would have recognised that famous actor yesterday.

7. If I .................... (get) to know Agnes ten years ago, she would be my wife now.

8. She does not have my address. If she .................... (know) where I live, she would have visited me last Thursday.

9. If someone .................... (open) the window ten minutes ago, the room would not be so stuffy now.

10. We .................... (buy) a new car a long time ago if our salaries were higher.