Conditional Sentences "Type 2" 02

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wpisz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe "typu drugiego". 
Fill in the correct answer making Conditional Sentences "Type 2".

1. If you .................... (work) in Warsaw, we would meet more often.

2. We .................... (have) more time if we didn't have to walk the dog.

3. If Tom .................... (speak) foreign languages, he would travel more often.

4. If I .................... (be) you, I would economise on fuel.

5. If she had a better car, she .................... (go) on a trip to France.

6. If Mike .................... (have) a playstation, he would spend less time with his friends.

7. If we had more money, we .................... (build) a new house.

8. If you .................... (watch) TV, you would know this actor.

9. If I .................... (win) a lot of money, I would move to Las Vegas.

10. If Tom did not drink alcohol, he .................... (feel) better.