Conditional Sentences "Type 3" 01

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe "typu trzeciego". 
Choose the correct answer making Conditional Sentences "Type 3".

1. If Tom .................... to the manager, he .................... a refund.

2. We .................... hungry if he .................... some food with us.

3. If James .................... to the news, he .................... about the accident.

4. Tom .................... the bus if he .................... up earlier.

5. Simon .................... longer if he .................... work at 7 a.m. yesterday.

6. If they .................... us, we .................... to the party yesterday.

7. If the book .................... so boring, Mark .................... it a long time ago.

8. The boys .................... football if the weather .................... fine two days ago.

9. If you .................... more time last night, you .................... that film.

10. The dog .................... the bone if it .................... hungry.