Conditional Sentences 04

Wróć do: 4. Zdania warunkowe / Conditional Sentences

Wpisz właściwą odpowiedź tworząc zdania warunkowe. 
Fill in the correct answer making Conditional Sentences.

1. If you refurbish the flat, you .................... (get) more money for it.

2. We would understand him if he .................... (speak) clearly.

3. She would live in a modern house now if her husband .................... (agree) to renovate it last year.

4. If the mechanic .................... (repair) our car soon, we will not have to take a train.

5. Unless we .................... (leave) now, we will miss the flight.

6. If they .................... (be) hungry last night, they would have eaten everything.

7. If there .................... (be) more people, we would have to use a bigger hall.

8. If my leg hurt me, I .................... (see) the doctor.

9. The house would not have burnt down, if the firemen .................... (arrive) ten minutes earlier.

10. We will stay at home if it .................... (be) a rainy day.