Passive Constructions (Personal) 01

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction.

1. People say that Robert is very impatient. - Robert .................... very impatient.

2. They think that the farmer is abroad. - The farmer .................... abroad.

3. The fans say that he is the best player in the world. - He .................... the best player in the world.

4. They say Mark knows a lot about the history of the USA. - Mark .................... a lot about the history of the USA.

5. They allege that their neighbours are noisy after midnight. - Their neighbours .................... noisy after midnight.

6. They expect that the children will arrive soon. - The children .................... soon.

7. The Bank reports that the Smiths have financial problems. - The Smiths .................... financial problems.

8. People say the roads are dangerous in this part of the country. - The roads .................... dangerous in this part of the country.

9. They say that the boy is lazy. - The boy .................... lazy.

10. They believed that the man was innocent. - The man .................... innocent.