Passive Constructions (Personal) 02

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction.

1. People say that Margaret is staying with her friends in Canada. - Margaret .................... with her friends in Canada.

2. They thought that she was working part-time. - She .................... part-time.

3. They believe that Alan is going out with Sue. - Alan .................... out with Sue.

4. They expect that it will be raining heavily in the afternoon. - It .................... heavily in the afternoon.

5. They say the exams are getting more and more difficult. - The exams .................... more and more difficult.

6. People said the temperature was dropping during the night. - The temperature .................... during the night.

7. They said the secretary was drinking coffee. - The secretary .................... coffee.

8. They say that the boys are studying hard. - The boys .................... hard.

9. People believed that the woman was taking part in the experiment. - The woman .................... part in the experiment.

10. They think that the students are writing the exam. - The students .................... the exam.