Passive Constructions (Impersonal) 01

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction.

1. People say that these snakes are not poisonous. - It .................... that these snakes are not poisonous.

2. They think that the river will break its banks and that it will flood the town. - It .................... that the river will break its banks and that it will flood the town.

3. People think that the politician has taken the bribe. - It .................... that the politician has taken the bribe.

4. They believed that the gangsters had killed the cashier. - It .................... that the gangsters had killed the cashier.

5. People alleged that the police had set him up. - It .................... that the police had set him up.

6. The witness claimed that the brewery was on fire. - It .................... that the brewery was on fire.

7. People say that these dogs are dangerous. - It .................... that these dogs are dangerous.

8. They thougth that Mr. Jones was working abroad. - It .................... that Mr. Jones was working abroad.

9. They believe that their team will win the match. - It .................... that their team will win the match.

10. People thought that there had been an accident. - It .................... that there had been an accident.