Passive Constructions (Personal) 05

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction.

1. People say that Mark and Sue were swimming in the sea. - Mark and Sue .................... in the sea.

2. They say that the cashiers saw the robbers. - The cashiers .................... the robbers.

3. They thought that the horse had broken its leg. - The hourse .................... its leg.

4. People believed that the children had let the thieves in. - The children .................... the thieves in.

5. People expect that the present champion will win the game. - The present champion .................... the game.

6. They thought that the tourist had been travelling along the southern coast. - The tourist .................... along the southern coast.

7. They say that the professor is doing research. - The professor .................... research.

8. People say that the secretary stole the money. - The secretary .................... the money.

9. They said that the students were selling drugs. - The students .................... drugs.

10. People think that the problem has become more complicated. - The problem .................... more complicated.