Passive Constructions 03

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierając poprawne odpowiedzi, zmień konstrukcje bierne osobowe na konstrukcje bierne bezosobowe.
Choosing the correct answers change Personal Passive Constructions into Impersonal Passive Constructions.

1. Stephen was said to have deleted the files. - It .................... that Stephen .................... the files.

2. She is believed to be going out with a famous footballer. - It .................... that she .................... out with a famous footballer.

3. The man is thought to have committed the crime. - It .................... that the man .................... the crime.

4. The driver is believed to have been going very fast. - It .................... that the driver .................... very fast.

5. The boys are thought to have stolen the bicycle. - It .................... that the boys .................... the bicycle.

6. The young player is expected to become very rich soon. - It .................... that the young player .................... very rich soon.

7. The man was thought to have been smuggling cigarettes. - It .................... that the men .................... cigarettes.

8. The girl is said to be beautiful. - It .................... that the girl .................... beautiful.

9. The groom was said to be very handsome. - It .................... that the groom .................... very handsome.

10. The police were alleged to have used too much violence. - It .................... that the police .................... too much violence.