Passive Gerund & Passive Infinitive 02

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną z gerundium albo z bezokolicznikiem.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction with Gerund or Infinitive.

1. Adam wants everyone to respect him. - Adam wants .................... .

2. I cannot imagine people treating me like that. - I cannot imagine .................... like that.

3. The students would like us to respect them. - The students would like .................... .

4. They detest people misleading them. - They detest .................... .

5. Margaret wants everyone to accept her as the leader. - Margaret wants .................... as the leader.

6. I would not like others to tell me what to do. - I would not like .................... what to do.

7. Children want us to praise them. - Children want .................... .

8. We love others giving us small gifts. - We love .................... small gifts.

9. I am looking forward to my boss promoting me. - I am looking forward .................... by my boss.

10. I deny anyone offering me a bribe. - I deny .................... a bribe.