Passive Gerund & Passive Infinitive 01

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną z gerundium albo z bezokolicznikiem.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction with Gerund or Infinitive.

1. We want others to greet us. - We want .................... .

2. They would like someone to inform them about prospective problems. - They would like .................... about prospective problems.

3. I want you to show me how to do it. - I want .................... how to do it.

4. We don't mind others correcting us from time to time. - We don't mind .................... from time to time.

5. Children like people giving them sweets. - Children like .................... sweets.

6. We want somebody to show us the documents. - We want .................... the documents.

7. I don't want you to correct me all the time. - I don't want .................... all the time.

8. She does not want them to ignore her. - She does not want .................... .

9. You would like me to pamper you. - You would like .................... .

10. I can't stand others telling me lies. - I can't stand .................... lies.