Passive Constructions (Impersonal) 02

Wróć do: 12. Struktury bierne / Passive Forms

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, tworząc konstrukcję bierną.
Choose the correct answer, forming a passive construction.

1. People claim that the woman was insane. - It .................... that the woman .................... insane.

2. They said that the machine had broken down. - It .................... that the machine .................... down.

3. They alleged that the police had broken the law. - It .................... that the police .................... the law.

4. They say that the animal bit the postman. - It .................... that the animal .................... the postman.

5. They say that the bus was going at 90 miles per hour. - It .................... that the bus .................... at 90 miles per hour.

6. They said that Tom had saved a drowning child. - It .................... that Tom .................... a drowning child.

7. They think that the police are looking into the case. - It .................... that the police .................... into the case.

8. They suppose that the match will be over in five minutes. - It .................... that the match .................... over in five minutes.

9. People believe that the weather will improve soon. - It .................... that the weather .................... soon.

10. We hope that the prices will go down. - It .................... that the prices .................... down.